Release Notes for Suite Maker Version 2.1 (C) Copyright Robótica Automation Consultants, Inc., 1993 This document contains release notes for version 2.1 of Suite Maker. ============================================ Contents ============================================ 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Overview 3.0 Components of Suite Maker 4.0 Installing Suite Maker 5.0 Using Suite Maker 5.1 Starting and Exiting Suite Maker 5.2 Setting Suite Maker Options 5.3 Managing Scripts 5.4 Running and Halting the Suite 5.5 Saving the Suite 5.6 Retrieving a Suite 5.7 Creating a New Suite 6.0 About Robótica Automation Consultants 7.0 Contacting Robótica Automation Consultants 8.0 Registering Suite Maker ============================================ 1.0 Introduction ============================================ Suite Maker is a utility which allows you to manage and execute suites of Microsoft Test scripts. Suite Maker organizes your test suites and reduces the frustration normally encountered in running suites in a multiple-tester environment. ============================================ 2.0 Overview ============================================ Traditionally, Microsoft Test users have used some variation of the following method to run multiple scripts: 1. Store the scripts in a predefined directory/directories. 2. Launch a "driver script" which adds the scripts in these director- ies to the Microsoft Test file list, and runs each script in turn. This method works, but has the following disadvantages: 1. When a user would like to remove scripts from the execution list, the user must physically remove them from the directory or rename them. 2. Scripts are added to the file list in alphabetical order, so they must be named according to their desired order of execution. 3. Even if the driver script reads its list of directories from a text file, the text file must be modified to reflect changes in the desired execution order or content of the suite. 4. If the driver script reads its list of directories from a text file, this filename must be hardcoded into the driver script or passed in as a parameter. If it is hardcoded into the driver script, multi- ple driver scripts are needed if multiple testers will be testing at the same time. And if it is passed in as a parameter, either COMMAND$ or TESTMODE$ must contain the filename, excluding them from being used for other testing purposes. Suite Maker eliminates this headache by allowing the user to specify the command line arguments, scripts, and order of execution for a suite in a user-friendly environment. The scripts and command line arguments associated with a suite may be saved for future modification or re- execution. ============================================ 3.0 Components of Suite Maker ============================================ File Name Description CLEANUP.MST Microsoft test script that can be used to restore the test computer to desired state following suite execu- tion (by executing user-defined cleanup routines). DECLARES.HDR Header file which incorporates RAC versions of MSTEST.INC and WINAPI.INC. HEADER.INC Include file which is used to include DECLARES.HDR. LOGGING.INC Include file which contains functions that may be used to record script results or obtain path for data files used by or created by scripts. RAC.DLL Dynamic link library used by Suite Maker. README.TXT Text file which explains Suite Maker. SAMPLE*.MST Sample scripts which comprise a suite that launches, maximizes, minimizes, restores, and quits the Windows Notepad application. SETUP.MST Microsoft test script that can be used to prepare the test computer for suite execution (by executing user- defined setup routines). SUITEMAK.EXE The Suite Maker program in which you select the scripts and command line arguments that comprise a suite and execute or save the suite. SUITEMAK.HLP Suite Maker help file. SUITEMAK.INI Suite Maker INI file. ============================================ 4.0 Installing Suite Maker ============================================ Before installing Suite Maker, be sure that you have the following system configuration: o Microsoft Test version 2.0 or later o Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or later o A computer with an 80286 or higher microprocessor running MS-DOS 3.3 or later o 1 megabyte of RAM minimum (2 megabytes recommended) o 1 megabyte of hard disk space o Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device recommended To install Suite Maker from a distribution diskette: 1. Insert the disk labeled "Suite Maker Setup" into drive a:. 2. Launch Windows. 3. In the Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu. 4. Type a:\setup 5. Press ENTER. 6. Follow the instructions on the screen. or To install Suite Maker downloaded from CompuServe or RAC BBS: 1. Unzip the SUITEMAK.ZIP file to a directory entitled "DISK1". 2. Launch Windows. 3. In the Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu. 4. Type c:\disk1\setup 5. Press ENTER. 6. Follow the instructions on the screen. While the setup procedure is copying information from the disk, fill out the registration form at the end of this document and send it to us along with a check in the amount of $25.00 (US) made payable to Robótica Automation Consultants, Inc.. ============================================ 5.0 Using Suite Maker ============================================ Suite Maker allows you to create, edit, and run suites that consist of Microsoft Test scripts. This section describes the Suite Maker user interface. ============================================ 5.1 Starting and Exiting Suite Maker ============================================ To start Suite Maker, double-click on the Suite Maker icon in the Suite Maker program group on your Windows desktop. The Suite Maker main screen appears with the contents of the last suite that was run. You can also start Suite Maker from the Program Manager or the Run box in the File Manager. To exit Suite Maker, select the Exit Suite Maker command from the File menu. If you have made any changes to the current suite and have not saved them, you are prompted to save these before the program quits. ============================================ 5.2 Setting Suite Maker Options ============================================ Suite Maker allows you to set environment options that define your machine's configuration and execution options that are used when you run your suite. ============================================ 5.2.1 Environment Options ============================================ To set environment options, choose Environment from the Options menu. The Environment options dialog box appears. The options in this dialog box are described in the following section. o Microsoft Test Executable This section is used to specify the location of the Microsoft Test program, TESTDRVR.EXE. To select the MS Test Executable: 1. Click the Select button and a standard File/Open dialog box appears. 2. Type the full path of the Microsoft Test program into the File Name edit box, or select the program from the file list box, and click the OK button. When you have selected the program, the full path is displayed in the Microsoft Test Executable panel. o Output Path The Output Path edit box lets you specify the location for output files created by your scripts. The GetOutputPath function in LOGGING.INC provides access to this path during script execution, eliminating the need to hard code an out- put path into your scripts. o Input Path The Input Path edit box lets you specify the location for input files used by your scripts. The GetInputPath function in LOGGING.INC provides access to this path during script execution, eliminating the need to hard code an input path into your scripts. When you have finished setting the Environment Options, click the OK button to confirm your selections, or click the Cancel button to discard your changes. ============================================ 5.2.2 Run-time Options ============================================ To set run-time options, choose Run-time from the Options menu. The Run-time options dialog box appears. The options in this dialog box are described in the following section. o Log File This section is used to specify the location of the log file in which your test results will be stored. Suite Maker pre- pares this log file with a header that describes the run-time arguments and execution date/time of the suite, and records the start of each script. Your scripts should record test results to this log file using the StartLog and EndLog func- tions provided in LOGGING.INC. To select a log file: 1. Click the Select button and a standard File/Open dialog box appears. 2. Type the full path of the log file into the File Name edit box, or select the file from the file list box, and click the OK button. If you select an existing file, you will be asked to confirm whether to overwrite the exist- ing file. When you have selected the log file, the full path is dis- played in the Log File panel. o Alternate Include Path(s) The Alternate Include Path edit box lets you specify the path or paths that Test Driver should search for include files. If multiple paths are entered, they must be separa- ted by semicolons. You must specify the path to LOGGING.INC and HEADER.INC in this field, or make sure that these files reside on the MS Test Include path. o '$DEFINE Symbols This section is used to define symbols for Conditional Compilation. For more information about Conditional Compila- tion, refer to Chapters 4 and 5 of your MS Test 2.0 User's Guide. To define a run-time symbol: 1. In the text box under the Symbol prompt, type the name of the symbol you want to define. 2. Click the Add button to add the symbol to the list. To remove a run-time symbol: 1. Select the symbol in the list. 2. Click the Remove button. To remove all run-time symbols: 1. Click the Clear all button. When you have finished setting the Run-time Options, click the OK button to confirm your selections, or click the Cancel button to discard your changes. ============================================ 5.2.3 Setting Command Line Arguments ============================================ The MS Test Command Line arguments COMMAND$ and TESTMODE$ may be used to run a test suite under varying sets of circum- stances. For example, you might have high, medium, and low stress test cases in a single script. (For more information on using COMMAND$ and TESTMODE$ in your code, refer to Chapter 4 of your MS Test 2.0 User's Guide.) Suite Maker provides access to these two powerful variables in the Command Line Arguments section of the main screen. In the edit text boxes for the arguments, enter strings (up to 80 characters). You can then use these variables anywhere within your scripts, and they will have the values that you assigned to them. ============================================ 5.3 Managing Scripts ============================================ Use the Scripts section of the main screen to manage the scripts that comprise your suite. ============================================ 5.3.1 Adding Scripts to the Suite ============================================ To Add scripts to the suite: 1. Click the Add Scripts button and a standard File/Open dialog box appears. 2. Type the full path of the script into the File Name edit box, or select the script(s) from the file list box, and click the OK button. The scripts that you selected are added to the Script Names list. ============================================ 5.3.2 Changing the Execution Order of the Suite ============================================ To change the execution order of the suite: 1. Select the script whose position you'd like to change from the Script Names list. 2. Click the Move Up button to execute the script sooner in the suite, or click the Move Down button to execute the script later in the suite. ============================================ 5.3.3 Removing Scripts from the Suite ============================================ To remove scripts from the suite: 1. Select the script(s) that you'd like to remove from the Script Names list. 2. Click the Remove button to delete the scripts from the suite. ============================================ 5.4 Running and Halting the Suite ============================================ Click the Run button in the tool bar, press F5, or select the Start command from the Run menu to begin suite execution. To interrupt suite execution, click the stop button in the tool bar, or select the Stop command from the Run menu. The suite halts prior to the execution of the next scheduled script. ============================================ 5.5 Saving the Suite ============================================ To save a suite: 1. Select the Save Suite command from the File menu, click the Save button in the tool bar, or press Ctrl-S. If your file is currently untitled, a standard File/Save dialog box appears. 2. Type the name of the suite in the File Name edit box, and click the OK button. or 1. Select the Save Suite As command from the File menu, and a standard File/Save dialog box appears. 2. Type the name of the suite in the File Name edit box, and click the OK button. ============================================ 5.6 Retrieving a Suite ============================================ To retrieve a suite: 1. Select the Open Suite command from the File menu, click the Open button on the tool bar, or press Ctrl-O, and a stan- dard File/Open dialog box appears. 2. Type the full path of the suite into the File Name edit box, or select the suite from the file list box, and click the OK button. The scripts, environment, command-line, and run-time options associated with the suite appear in the main screen. ============================================ 5.7 Creating a New Suite ============================================ To create a new suite: 1. Select the New Suite command from the File menu, or click the New button on the tool bar. The scripts, command-line, and run-time options are cleared to prepare for new selections. ============================================ 6.0 About Robótica Automation Consultants ============================================ Robotica Automation Consultants was established in 1987 to provide consulting services to the Massachusetts high-technology community. Driven by this goal and managed by founder Darryl Robinson and a staff of fellow MIT engineers, RAC has since evolved into a bustling enterprise that regularly provides: 1. Software development for the Windows, Macintosh, and DOS environ- ments 2. Quality assurance testing for software that is under development and 3. Hardware and software sales and consulting to such clients as Polaroid Corporation, Lotus Development Corporation, OneSource Information Services, Ziff Information Services, and MarketPlace Information Corporation. For more information about our services or our other software products, please contact us. ============================================ 7.0 Contacting Robótica Automation Consultants ============================================ Mail: Robótica Automation Consultants, Inc. 25 Huntington Avenue, Suite 520 Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Voice: (617) 236-1993 Fax: (617) 236-1868 CompuServe: 73312,373 ============================================ 8.0 Registering Suite Maker ============================================ Fill out the registration form below and send it to us along with a check or money order in the amount of $25.00 (US) made payable to Robótica Automation Consultants, Inc.. In return, you will receive a valid user name and registration number, plus technical support. Suite Maker Registration Form Name: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Company: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Street: -------------------------------------------------------------------- City: -------------------------------------------------------------------- State: Zip: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Phone: Fax: --------------------------------------------------------------------